We are committed to causing and creating our lives each day with intention and purpose. We want the children touched by this community to grow up inspired and excited about learning, exploring, and living a life that lights them up.

The community consists of a variety of spaces in and around The Junction Neighbourhood. The heart is three properties on Meadowview Ave at 45, 46 and 47. Behind 45 and 47 Meadowview is a 200ft backyard that now spans 100 ft across. The space is like a public commons, host to a weekly summer CSA food drop-off, a community potluck dinner, a skating rink, a trampoline, a sauna and a pool. It is a space for reflection, connection and play. We hope to welcome you soon!
Sometimes 5 people, sometimes 100, this space is an opportunity for the community to gather, connect, share stories, play music, have a fire and love food. Sometimes a group will use the potluck time as a space to practise; we’ve had juggling troops, medieval flute bands, intentional community meetings, and outdoor movie screenings on sheets between trees. What might you want to create?

Co-founders Mike and Mary Kate, live in the heart of the Junction Village Guelph at 47 Meadowview Ave with their three children Rowan, Sikhona and River. Micheal is a former outdoor educator, and now a property manager and Airbnb host. Mary-Kate is community activator and consultant who is currently working on her PhD looking at Indigenous-led natural climate solution in Canada at the University of Guelph. They have 2 border collies - Dash and Sofie - who greet you when you arrive. There are also 2 ferrets, a giant bunny, a four guinea pigs and lots of chickens that can make time in the core feel like a bit like a zoo!

The Junction Village Guelph is an evolving opportunity to imagine a transformed urban community. One that is resilient and built for a "post-peak oil" world and yet fun, connected, and inspired. At the JVG we are coming up with ways to live together, to share things, and also have our own spaces. The aim is to have a wide diversity of spaces to host interesting, creative, inspired people who will share their lives together. Several friends have purchased houses in the neighborhood, and a community has started to emerge, sharing gardens, bulk food, child care, dog walking, and a whole variety of opportunities to help each other. It is constantly changing as new innovative solutions bubble up in a grassroots manner.
We have created a rich variety of living spaces for people to stay in the community. There are short or long-term options ranging from built-in beds in a shared co-living space, to private rooms, one and two-bedroom apartments, a studio cottage, and single-family homes.
Some of the spaces are for rent and some are private houses. What is coming together is a weaving of spaces created through opportunity, ingenuity, and need.
For example, Mike and Mary-Kate live in the renovated old stone house at 47 Meadowview. It is a privately owned house. They used community focussed, environmental design when they renovated it.
In the cottage behind lives resident farmer, Seb with his daughter Junie.
Next door at 45 is a co-living home run by house manager Deb. The land at 45 is held by a community land trust ensuring it will never be sold. A community has come together with skills, vision and capital to develop the co-living house together. Currently this house operates with common shared spaces that serve as the heart of the community.

Across the road from 47 and 45 is a 6-plex apartment building. Four of these units are long term two bedroom unfurnished spaces. There are also two furnished apartments that are available for people to stay for a few days, a few months or a year.
In the surrounding neighbourhood we have created relationships with local landlords. As spaces are available we link these landlords to people who wish to be part of the community. Gradually based on opportunity and need the community is expanding. We are always on the look out for local landlords who want to work with us to create well stewarded and cared for spaces. We are also always seeking aligned people who wish to be part of what is being created.
Together we are working out how to produce food in an urban landscape and create strong, supportive connections with local farmers through community shared agriculture opportunities.
What is envisioned is keeps changing and evolving. Already we have installed solar panels, electric charging stations, a pizza oven, bike storage, a tool shed, an incineration toilet, a sauna, chickens, community gardens, a 20 x 40 event tent, a zipline, a slack line and a skating rink.

The backyards of these two properties are combined as one big common space that people use like a park.

The plans keep evolving! At the moment we see micro living units units in the co-living house, a large community kitchen, year round growing in an attached greenhouse, convening spaces, a root cellar, co-working spaces, a swimmable pond, bunkies and tiny houses. Share your ideas - we would love to expand our vision to meet what you see.